Emission Regulations for 1978 and Later New Motorcycles, General Provisions

86.401-90 一般适用性
General applicability.
86.401-97 一般适用性
General applicability.
86.402-78 定义
86.402-98 定义
86.403-78 缩写
86.404-78 分部号码
Section numbering.
86.405-78 测量系统
Measurement system.
86.406-78 介绍,分部结构,进一步的信息
Introduction, structure of subpart, further information.
86.407-78 所需的一致性的证明
Certificate of conformity required.
86.408-78 一般标准;排放的增加;不安全的环境
General standards; increase in emissions; unsafe conditions.
86.409-78 清除设备,禁用
Defeat devices, prohibition.
86.410-80 1980年及后续年份摩托车的排放标准
Emission standards for 1980 and later model year motorcycles.
86.410-90 1990年及后续年份摩托车的排放标准
Emission standards for 1990 and later model year motorcycles.
86.411-78 维护说明,车辆购买者
Maintenance instructions, vehicle purchaser.
86.412-78 维护说明,服从管理员
Maintenance instructions, submission to Administrator.
86.413-78 铭牌标记
86.414-78 提交车辆识别号
Submission of vehicle identification number.
86.415-78 生产车辆
Production vehicles.
86.416-80 认证申请
Application for certification.
86.417-78 认证申请的批准
Approval of application for certification.
86.418-78 测试条例的选择
Test fleet selection.
86.419-78 发动机排量,摩托车级别
Engine displacement, motorcycle classes.
86.420-78 发动机系列
Engine families.
86.421-78 测试条例
Test fleet.
86.422-78 管理条例
Administrator's fleet.
86.423-78 测试车辆
Test vehicles.
86.425-78 测试流程
Test procedures.
86.426-78 保养累计
Service accumulation.
86.427-78 排放测试
Emission tests.
86.428-80 维护,预定的;测试车辆
Maintenance, scheduled; test vehicles.
86.429-78 维护,非预定的;测试车辆
Maintenance, unscheduled; test vehicles.
86.430-78 车辆失效
Vehicle failure.
86.431-78 数据的提交
Data submission.
86.432-78 老化因子
Deterioration factor.
86.434-78 管理员执行的测试
Testing by the Administrator.
86.435-78 排放外推值
Extrapolated emission values.
86.436-78 额外保养累计
Additional service accumulation.
86.437-78 认证
86.438-78 申请的修改
Amendments to the application.
86.439-78 添加部件和车辆变更通知的备选流程
Alternative procedure for notification of additions and changes.
86.440-78 记录维护
Maintenance of records.
86.441-78 进入权
Right of entry.
86.442-78 认证的拒绝,撤回和搁置
Denial, revocation, or suspension of certification.
86.443-78 听证请求
Request for hearing.
86.444-78 认证听证
Hearings on certification.

Emission Regulations for 1978 and Later New Motorcycles, Test Procedure

86.501-78 适用性
86.502-78 定义
86.503-78 缩写
86.504-78 分部号
Section numbering.
86.505-78 介绍;分部结构
Introduction; structure of subpart.
86.508-78 测功机
86.509-90 废气抽样系统
Exhaust gas sampling system.
86.511-90 废气分析系统
Exhaust gas analytical system.
86.513-87 燃料和发动机润滑剂参数
Fuel and engine lubricant specifications.
86.513-90 燃料和发动机润滑剂参数
Fuel and engine lubricant specifications.
86.513-94 燃料和发动机润滑剂参数
Fuel and engine lubricant specifications.
86.514-78 可供分析的气体
Analytical gases.
86.515-78 EPA城市测功行驶任务表
EPA urban dynamometer driving schedule.
86.516-90 标定,频率和概览
Calibrations, frequency and overview.
86.518-78 测功机标定
Dynamometer calibration.
86.519-78 恒体积抽样标定
Constant volume sampler calibration.
86.519-90 恒体积抽样标定
Constant volume sampler calibration.
86.521-90 碳氢化合物分析仪标定
Hydrocarbon analyzer calibration.
86.522-78 一氧化碳分析仪标定
Carbon monoxide analyzer calibration.
86.523-78 氮氧化合物分析仪标定
Oxides of nitrogen analyzer calibration.
86.524-78 二氧化碳分析仪标定
Carbon dioxide analyzer calibration.
86.526-90 其它设备的标定
Calibration of other equipment.
86.527-90 测试流程,概览
Test procedures, overview.
86.528-78 变速箱
86.529-78 路面负荷力和惯量的确定
Road load force and inertia weight determination.
86.529-98 路面负荷力和惯量的确定
Road load force and inertia weight determination.
86.530-78 测试顺序,一般要求
Test sequence, general requirements.
86.531-78 车辆准备
Vehicle preparation.
86.532-78 车辆预置环境
Vehicle preconditioning.
86.535-90 测功机流程
Dynamometer procedure.
86.536-78 发动机起动和重起
Engine starting and restarting.
86.537-90 测功机测试运行
Dynamometer test runs.
86.540-90 废气抽样分析
Exhaust sample analysis.
86.542-90 所需的记录
Records required.
86.544-90 计算;废气
Calculations; exhaust emissions.



地址(ADD):北京市东城区东四十条甲22号南新仓国际大厦A座1109  100007
Suite 1109, Nanxincang International Tower, A22. Dong Si Shi Tiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China  100007
电话(TEL):086-010-51690515  传真(FAX):086-010-51690518